ICP TestHub


About ICP TestHub

ICP TestHub serves as a dedicated platform for the collection and analysis of ICP-OES and ICP-MS (Inductively Coupled Plasma - Optical Emission Spectrometry / Mass Spectrometry) water parameter data, allowing aquarists to optimize their investments in ICP testing.

Whether conducting routine tests on a nano tank, or managing a commercial aquarium, TestHub provides vendor-agnostic analysis and discovery tools for ICP test data. Our augmented ICP test report format allows clients to compare and assess cross-vendor water parameter values, review vendor recommendations, and record corrective actions through the Dosing Journal.

Additionally, the testing process is tracked with Lifecycle, non-ICP test water parameters like salinity and temperature can be recorded, and digital notes taken directly in TestHub reports. ICP TestHub facilitates easy sharing and collaboration inside the app, and optional data export in various portable formats enables further review and analysis, contributing to the success of all aquariums.

Our commitment to vendor neutrality ensures the integrity of the information you receive. We prioritize transparency and objectivity, empowering aquarists to make well-informed aquarium health decisions based on reliable and unbiased data.



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Proud member of the Teaching Science as Inquiry community, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa